Hall of Fame Inductees
Joe Ray
Lifelong supporter and promoter of disabled water ski clinics and competitions.
Ten-time USA National Disabled Overall Champion.
Three-time World Overall Disabled Champion.
2020 Inductee into the USA Water Ski & Wake Sports Hall of Fame.
Six-time recipient of the Male Athlete of the Year award by the Water Skiers with Disabilities Association.
Mike Mosely
Lifelong supporter of water skiing throughout the United States as a competitor, official, and coach.
Multiple time Alabama State Champion
Current Men’s 3 slalom record holder
Official for countless water ski events including tournament director for five disabled national Water Ski Championships.
Promoter and organizer of junior water skiing.
Milton Weathers
Life-long supporter of the sport serving as judge, director, and competitor.
Lyman Hardy
World-renowned towboat drive towing multiple records.
Anthony Baggiano
Chairman of the Board of the American Water Ski Association.
J. R. Henley
Director, competitor, driver, and host of tournaments for 40 years.
Janelle Kirtley Godfrey
State, regional, national, and Masters Water Ski and Wakeboard champion.
Margaret Ann Woodard
Holder of Women’s 8 national slalom record.
Dr. Tom Strong
Founded The University of Alabama Ski Team in 1974.
Roland Godfrey
Chief boat driver for state, regional, national, and pro tour championships.
Leah Marie Rawls Atkins
Winner of state, regional, national, and world championships.
Leona Kirtley
Judge, coach, promoter, and pioneer of water skiing in Alabama.
Jerry Woodard
Senior judge for 33 years including the Masters Water Ski and Wakeboard Tournament.
Hal Hamilton
Competitor and promoter of the sport for seven decades.
Ralph Winn
Judge for multiple state, national, world, and pro tournaments.
Hall of Fame Board of Directors
Anne Henley, 2021 - Present
Milton Weathers, 2020 - Present
Dr. Billy Buck, 2018 - Present
Doug Hamrick, 2014 - Present
Hall of Fame Criteria
When considering your Hall of Fame nominations, keep in mind the totality of one’s contribution to the sport of water skiing. Among those honored with membership in the upper echelon of Alabama water skiing, each one has made an exceptional contribution to the sport of water skiing in our communities in one or more of three categories:
Competition – Exceptional performance on the state-and national-level.
Officiation – Exceptional service to the sport for an extended period of time as a judge, scorer, driver, official, committee member, etc.
Entrepreneurism – This category is for people whose contributions do not fall into the other categories, i.e., Ralph Samuelson, Dick Pope, etc. It includes unusual or new accomplishments in advancing the sport through new techniques, technology, teaching methods, or first time accomplishments. Other considerations include the influence on others in the sport, advancement of the sport, and accomplishments outside the sport. Anyone involved in any division that falls under the USAWWS umbrella can be considered.
Hall of Fame nominations may be submitted to awshof@gmail.com prior to the conclusion of the American Water Ski Association National Championships. Contact the AWSF Treasurer if you have questions regarding membership dues.